Bronco Spotlight: Adam Rayes

Adam Rayes
Bachelor of Arts in journalism, 2019

Production Assistant at Michigan Radio's Stateside

I work with the Stateside team and our host to find and research stories, book guests to interview, record the segments and edit them to air. 

What is the most rewarding and the most challenging part of your job?

I love getting to hear so many different stories from such diverse people across the state. The most challenging part would be the breakneck speed of the work and strict timelines, but, as stressful as that can be, I often do my best work thrive in that kind of environment. 

What activities, resources, or people helped you prepare for your career?

The most resources came through my on-campus positions as a writer for the Western Herald, a Resident Assistant and as a consultant at the writing center. Each position presented unique challenges that forced me to learn and grow while also providing people who gave me much needed support. 

What advice do you have for others pursuing a career similar to yours?

Recognize the fact that you (probably) can't do this alone and ask for help when you need it - and don't let asking for help make you believe you are stupid or worthless. Be grateful for the privileges, opportunities and support you are given while in school. 

See other Spotlights