Bronco Spotlight: Ali Gossen

Image of Ali Gossen
Bachelor of Business Administration, food and consumer package goods marketing, 2014

Retail Sales Representative at Abbott Nutrition

I currently go out to retail stores and sell Abbott Nutrition products to the store, build displays, interact and build rapport with store managers, and conduct retail analysis. I will soon rotate into an office role working on analytical projects and category management.

What is the most rewarding and the most challenging part of your job?

The most rewarding part of my job is seeing successes at a store level where our products are sold. It is rewarding to know something I built or sold into the store is having a direct impact on business. The most challenging part of my job is utilizing selling skills and analytics to persuade a store manager to do something. I must think how the store manager would think and provide the best information to help the manager understand how Abbott products can impact their business.

What activities, resources, or people helped you prepare for your career?

Reaching out to professors and joining the Food Marketing Association was the best way for me to prepare for my career. While everything I leaned in my classes was important, networking was even more critical in finding a job I love. The biggest piece of advice I can give is to get involved. Reach out the other students and professors to have all your questions answered. Make a name for yourself and always continue to network.

What advice do you have for students looking for their first career after college?

Don't be afraid to take a risk. I moved to Arizona after graduation and it was a really hard adjustment, but it has helped my career tremendously. I know I won't be in Arizona forever and the experience I am gaining by taking this risk is extremely valuable. Move somewhere far or take a risk early in your career before you are settled somewhere with a family.

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