Bronco Spotlight: Grant Goethals

Bronco Spotlight: Grant Goethals
Bachelor of Business Administration in computer information systems, 2019

Technical Project Analyst at Stryker 

I work on the technical installation and setup of Stryker's wireless hospital bed product line, including the setup of backend server applications, wireless profiles, and the physical activation of the wireless bed feature. I travel all across North America doing my job coordinating with regional sales reps and product technicians who join me at each hospital account location. 

What is the most rewarding and the most challenging part of your job?

The most rewarding part of my job is after installing this new technology, educating those in the hospital who will be using this technology on how it can quite literally save lives with the abundance of information made available to the staff there. I would consider the most challenging part of my job the travel aspect and having to learn each different hospital or clinic's environment before installing our product. But this is also one of the most enjoyable parts as it constantly keeps the work fresh and interesting as no two places are ever the same. 

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