Bronco Spotlight: Jack Kison

Photo of Jack Kison
Bachelor of Fine Arts in acting, 2019

Head Showrunner 

I am currently the head Showrunner for Baked With Good Intentions, a small, unfunded production company based in Kalamazoo. We are just finishing up a two-year web series called Baked With Good Intentions, and are currently in the running as semifinalists for the Filmaka web series competition for our new series, Dead Wait. 

What is the most rewarding and the most challenging part of your job?

They're both the same: completing the job itself. There is no challenge on this Earth that a director doesn't face when working in independent film production. However, when you overcome those challenges, and see how far you've grown and the art that you've come away with during the process, all the strife becomes so worth it. 

Which of your skills had the biggest impact on your success? 

Listening. I believe that listening- truly listening- to another person is one of the most important skills to possess in this world. Through listening, you can understand. Through understanding, you can empathize. Through empathy, you can seek a solution together instead of fighting for one. 

What advice do you have for others pursuing a career similar to yours? 

Never compare yourself to others, it's death for the artist. Just keep working, never stop, but know your limits. 

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