Bronco Spotlight: Layla Farwana

Image of Layla Farwana
Bachelor of Business Administration, integrated supply management, 2014

Program Manager at Eaton Corporation

In my current role, I am responsible for the successful execution of the NPD Programs and projects and their budget allocation. I also lead Integrated Product Teams to drive customer satisfaction, metric goal attainment, continuous improvement and life of the projects financial performance by managing customer programs, contracts, and business relationships. 

What is the most rewarding and the most challenging part of your job?

The most rewarding part of my job is definitely getting to see our products from start to finish. It has always been a great learning experience to be part of a project beginning to the point where you’re actually watching product be built and shipped to our customers. The most challenging portion of my role is definitely resource and time management. There are so many moving parts involved with a program and it is important to be organized and understand each piece in order to be effective in this role. 

If you had a campus job or internship, how did they impact your career development?

Classroom instruction is great, but nothing beats on the job experience. This is where I learned the most about supply chain during my undergrad. I had an internship and a co-op while I was a student and each one provided different experiences. In my internship, I learned about manufacturing and distribution, and I was able to see the supply chain as a whole. I was in the plant when the raw material arrived and I was in the distribution center when the finished product was ready to be shipped to the customer. Being able to see this process from start to finish really provided me with a clear image on the different factors in a supply chain.  My co-op was at Eaton Corporation where I currently work, and I did two separate rotations between program management and purchasing. Our ISM program has a stronger focus on purchasing, but being able to actually work alongside buyers and commodity managers was a great experience.  Having these experiences early on definitely provided me with a lot of knowledge on supply chain before I started in industry. I would recommend all students to get an internship before they graduate, because some lessons cannot be taught in a classroom!

What advice do you have for students looking for their career after college?

I think a lot of students struggle with finding out what they would like to do after graduation, but I think the most important thing is to find a job that you will be happy with. A lot of people think that finding the highest paying job is most important, but at the end of the day, money comes and goes. If you are not happy with your job, no amount of money can change that.  Find something that will make you happy and don't settle.

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