Bronco Spotlight: Madison Cojei

Madison Cojei
Bachelor of Science in elementary education, 2020

Sixth Grade Mathematics Teacher at Novi Public Schools

I am teaching a hybrid model sixth grade classroom. I teach both sixth-grade mathematics and an advanced eighth-grade mathematics section. I am actually working at school I attended as a student so it is very cool to come back in but as a teacher this time.

What is the most rewarding and the most challenging part of your job?

Since we are teaching during a pandemic, it has been a little bit stressful. I am teaching a hybrid model, which means I have to keep up with two groups of kids both in-person and virtually. With that being said, it is so rewarding to be able to welcome kids in-person again. Working face-to-face allows me to build strong relationships for students and gives them a support system.

If you had a campus job or internship, how did they impact your career development?

Getting the opportunity to work in a variety of different classrooms at different grade levels throughout my college experience helped me to figure out where I am most comfortable. After numerous fieldwork experiences, I found that working with middle school age students is where my heart was at!

What advice do you have for others pursuing a career similar to yours?

At first, you are going to feel scared to teach a group of children, but do not be afraid to go outside your comfort zone. Volunteer, substitute teach, and really soak in any experience you can! Whether it turns out to be a train wreck or the best day ever, they all prepare you for your future.

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