Bronco Spotlight: Rodney Bell

Rodney Bell
Bachelor of Business Administration in human resource management, 2020

Business Analyst at Meijer

I am responsible for replenishment, promotions planograms and analysis within a particular category.

What is the most rewarding part of your job? 

Autonomy and control of whatever my given category is, whether that is within the cereal division or frozen food division. Knowing that I can affect regions with my work. Making a direct impact on the customer point of view and ability to purchase a product.

What experiences impacted the choice of your career path?

Internships provided me with the necessary information that propelled me to my first job at Meijer. Having internships in different fields gave me a wide perspective of what I wanted to do with my career by realizing what exactly I needed to do to get in position for the job I wanted. 

What advice would you offer students to help them decide on a career path?

I offer you this: secure an internship if you have not and literally network, network, network; having these connections will propel you further than your degree can. Once secured, work as hard as possible and overachieve at every task; do not become complacent. By standing out and challenging the status quo you can change the landscape of your own career and maybe even the company's. 

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