Social Media Management

Make the most of your social media

Protect Yourself

Keep your privacy settings up. If your name on social media is your real one, be aware that you are searchable and ensure that the content you post will be used to form a picture of your character. Recruiters will look to find inappropriate video content, language, situations and complaints. Ensure that you are positive in your posts about classes, work, coworkers, etc. You may opt to use an alias or disable your personal accounts when job searching.

Connect with Others

Use LinkedIn and Twitter to connect with industry recruiters, follow organizations/companies in which you are interested and have professional conversations. Create a link to personal websites and other examples of your work. Use talking points from your personal commercial to state your online personal brand.

Check out Opportunities

Use hashtags to inform your job hunt and post your resume. Post a link to a sample of your work with #resume after it. Get advice on your internship or job search by using hashtags like: #jobadvice; #internship; #jobsearch. Finally, get more specific based on the industry you are seeking, (public relations, sales, teaching, government, etc.) by detailed hashtags like: #printernship; #prjobs; #salesjobs; #internteaching; #governmentjobs, etc.

Network for your Future

Research professional organizations that pertain to industries in which you may work. Connect to the brands you want to work for. Ask questions in forums, groups and build up your professional network. Share things you learned in your courses and ask questions. You never know what online conversation may lead to a great internship or work experience.

Manage your Social Media

Social Media is a great way to build your network and unlock career possibilities you have yet to consider. Think about what you post and are tagged in. Run a check of your social media from time to time to ensure you are making a professional impression. Ask for advice and offer smart opinions. You will be on your way to building great connections.


  • Design a professional profile highlighting your job and educational experiences.
  • Network with industry professionals.
  • Connect with successful alumni.
  • Apply directly to internships and jobs.
  • Conduct company research.
  • Follow specific companies and well known professionals.
  • Join specific industry group discussions.

LinkedIn Profile


It doesn’t have to be fancy - just use your cellphone camera in front of a plain background. Wear a nice shirt and don’t forget to smile. 


Tell people what you’re excited about now and the cool things you want to do in the future. 


Describe what motivates you, what you’re skilled at, and what’s next. 


List the jobs you held, even if they were part-time, along with what you accomplished at each. Even include photos and videos from your work. 


Have you joined any clubs at school or outside? Be sure to describe what you did with each organization. 


Starting with college, list all the educational experiences you’ve had - including summer programs. 

Volunteer experience and causes

List all the volunteering experiences. 

Skills and expertise

Add at least five key skills - and then your connection can endorse you for the things you’re best at. 

Honors and Awards

If you earned a prize in or out of school, don’t be shy. Let the world know about it! 


List the classes that show off the skills and interests you’re most excited about. 


Whether you led a team assignment in school or built an app on your own, talk about what you did and how you did it. 


Ask managers, professors or classmates who’ve worked with you closely to write a recommendation. This gives extra credibility to your strengths and skills.


  • Use your profile to showcase your professional history.
  • Reclassify specific friends into a “Professional” list.
  • Post and comment on professional content.
  • Create networking connections with existing friends.

Always operate with the assumption that employers will search and review your Facebook profile. All Facebook profiles should either be professional or locked to outside viewers. Don’t let your Facebook activity cost you a job opportunity.


  • Create a professional profile on a Twitter account.
  • Follow specific professionals and organizations within your industry of interest.
  • Tweet and retweet links related to your career objectives.
  • Send private tweets to possible professional mentors.


  • Post engaging photos of yourself at work.
  • Post photos of yourself at professional conferences or industry related events.
  • Text images of industry related content.
  • Post photos of companies.