Bronco Spotlight: Subodh Ashok Bansode

Photo of Subodh Bansode
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, 2018

Hardware Design Engineer at Avery Dennison 

Currently I am working as hardware design engineer, and my responsibilities are circuit design, PCB schematic design for embedded system with new FPGA and Micro-controllers specification. Other responsibilities are designing harness, troubleshooting, etc.        

What is the most rewarding and the most challenging part of your job?

Most challenging part would be designing communication protocol between Micro-controller and FPGA for high speed data rate along with future update. 

If you had a campus job or internship, how did they impact your career development? 

While completing my master’s I had almost two years of internship experience at Dynamic perception and Melt Tools as Embedded Hardware design, where I got an opportunity to work with several Micro-controller designing and programming. Also I got experiences for Stepper Motor driver circuit and PCB designing.  The experience I gained at Dynamic Perception and Mel Tools had a lot impact on my career development as embedded hardware design engineer. 

What advice do you have for others pursuing a career similar to yours?

My advice would be, determine your area of interest as an engineer during initial stage of your study, which matters a lot. 

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