Fabric based wireless ECG device

This project aims at developing a flexible wireless electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring device that is easily accessible to anyone at low cost and can be used during activity like walking and running. The device consists of dry electrode sensors, a comfortable chest belt, and a flexible printed circuit board (PCB). A mobile application that can receive data via Bluetooth and display an ECG graph, heartbeat per minute and R to R interval is also developed using MIT App Inventor 2 IDE. This paper explains in detail about the processes that took place to build the ECG monitoring device and the device’s performance in comparison to a commercial ECG monitoring device.


Published information regarding this project:

  • S. Masihi, M. Panahi, D. Maddipatla, A. Hanson, S. Fenech, L. Bonek, N. Sapoznik, P. Fleming, B. Bazuin, M. Atashbar, "Development of a Flexible Wireless ECG Monitoring Device with Dry Fabric Electrodes for Wearable Applications," in IEEE Sensors Journal, doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2021.3116215.
  • L. Bonek, S. Fenech, N. Sapoznik, A. Hanson, S. Masihi, D. Maddipatla, M. Panahi, M. Atashbar, "Development of a Flexible and Wireless ECG Monitoring Device," 2020 IEEE SENSORS, 2020, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/SENSORS47125.2020.9278904.
  • M. Z. Atashbar, A.A. Chlaihawi, B.B. Narakathu, A. Eshkeiti “Printed ECG electrode and method” U.S. Patent No. 10966622, April, 2021.


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