Definitions of 麻豆社class delivery methods for fall 2020

The following are definitions of 麻豆社class delivery methods for fall 2020. All courses will be offered in one of these five formats: in-person, hybrid, asynchronous distance education, fully synchronous distance ed and partially synchronous distance ed. You will now be able to see these designations when you register for courses so you can choose classes that will best support how you learn.

In-person Traditional classroom work that meets at certain times and locations.
Hybrid A combination of classroom and Distance education work and meeting times.
Asynchronous distance education Distance ed classes that do not require you to meet at scheduled times.
Fully synchronous distance education Distance ed  classes that meet at scheduled times like an in-person class.
Partially synchronous education Distance ed  classes that have some synchronous and some asynchronous instruction.

Instructional Modes

As students plan their semester schedule, they can consult this guide for descriptions of each delivery mode. If students need more information about technology requirements or if they want access to technology tutorials, they can visit the Elearning webpage or laptop recommendations.

In-person (traditional face-to-face) 

Courses meet physically in classrooms, laboratories or other instructional spaces in accordance with the existing meeting days and times scheduled in Banner. In-person delivery offers students hands-on or participatory learning in a physical format. 


  • Students will attend all scheduled in-person course meetings.
  • Students should decide whether they are comfortable sharing a classroom space with other participants, wearing a mask and interacting with social distancing measures in place.
  • Office hours will mostly likely be held virtually due to social distancing requirements.


Courses meet both in-person and through virtual delivery with 51% or more of the instruction occurring through distance ed, either asynchronously or synchronously. Asynchronous content delivery takes place virtually without any scheduled meetings, whereas synchronous content delivery takes place virtually with scheduled meetings. The hybrid format is used when some of the course delivery requires hands-on or participatory learning scenarios in a physical format.


  • Students will attend all scheduled in-person or synchronous meetings.
  • For the distance ed portion of the class, students will need access to a computer with reliable Internet connectivity.  Please visit the laptop recommendations webpage for specific information.
  • If applicable, students will need to become familiar with synchronous meeting etiquette.
  • For the in-person portion of the class, students should consider whether they are comfortable sharing a classroom space with other participants, wearing a mask and interacting with social distancing measures in place.
  • Office hours will most likely be held virtually due to social distancing requirements.

Asynchronous Distance Education

Courses meet exclusively via distance ed through the learning management system (Elearning/D2L) and require no in-person or synchronous virtual meetings. Some instructors may offer optional virtual synchronous sessions for collaborative work or other course-related activities.


  • Distance delivery offers the greatest flexibility for both students and instructors but requires a high degree of self-discipline and motivation.
  • Students need to manage their participation by checking instructor emails, course announcements, due dates and, if applicable, group assignments.
  • Students should make a point to read faculty feedback on their assignments and seek out help in a timely manner from the instructor or teaching assistants. It is easy to fall behind in a class when it does not meet in-person.
  • Exams and other assessments may also be time-limited or held on specific days and times.
  • Students will need access to a computer with reliable Internet connectivity. Please visit the laptop recommendations webpage for specific information.
  • Office hours will be held virtually.

Fully Synchronous Distance Education

Courses meet exclusively through distance education technologies according to the pre-scheduled meeting days and times as indicated in Banner. The learning management system (Elearning/D2L) and other distance and collaboration technologies are used to facilitate activities such as discussions, collaborative exercises, distribution of materials, collection of deliverables, grades, etc.

As an example, a synchronous distance ed course scheduled for TR 9:30-10:45 would stream its content and engage students in discussions via WebEx during those scheduled times. 


  • This format allows students and instructors to follow a predictable schedule of meeting times without needing to be in a classroom space.
  • Students will need to become familiar with synchronous meeting etiquette.
  • Students are required to attend all scheduled synchronous course meetings.
  • Office hours will be held virtually.

Partially Synchronous Distance Education

Courses are facilitated through the learning management system (Elearning/D2L) and require no in-person sessions, but instructors can incorporate periodic synchronous virtual sessions when the subject matter requires real-time demonstration, collaboration or interaction. The dates and times for required synchronous sessions will be made clear to students on syllabi so they can coordinate their academic, personal and work schedules.


  • Students will need access to a computer with reliable internet connectivity. Please visit the laptop recommendations webpage for specific information.
  • Students need to manage their participation by checking instructor emails, course announcements, due dates and, if applicable, group assignments.
  • Students should make a point to read faculty feedback on their assignments and seek out help in a timely manner from the instructor or teaching assistants. It is easy to fall behind in a class when it does not meet in-person.
  • Students will need to become familiar with synchronous meeting etiquette.
  • Students are required to attend all scheduled synchronous course meetings.
  • Office hours will be held virtually.