Discovery Acceleration Workshops 2019-20

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Workshops are held on the third Tuesday of the month 12 - 1:30 p.m. at various locations on campus. Registration is encouraged by the Friday prior to each workshop.


Jan. 21—Grants for Education Research
This workshop will focus on the U.S. Dept. of Education, including the Institute for Education Science, as well as other sponsors that fund education research and programs.
Location: College of Education and Human Development, 3310 Sangren Hall

Feb. 18‸é±ð²õ³Ü²ú³¾¾±²õ²õ¾±´Ç²Ô²õ 
Grant success requires an intentional strategy and a whole lot of grit and determination. Persistence and patience is key. Hear from those who have been successful with resubmissions. Discuss how to interpret reviews, the decision to resubmit and how to address reviewer comments.
Location: College of Arts and Sciences, 3025 Brown Hall

March 17—SBIR/STTR and Other Funding for Commercialization 
Faculty and staff may generate Intellectual Property (IP) through their research that has commercial potential. Learn about SBIR/STTR grants and other funding opportunities that are designed to help move IP from the lab to commercialization.
Location: has been changed to an online webinar. It will be posted here when available.

April—Grants for the Arts and the Humanities—C²¹²Ô³¦±ð±ô±ô±ð»å
Dr. Katherine Kelly from Academic Research Funding Services will present virtually to discuss the ins and outs of applying to the NEH, NEA and other organizations that fund research and creative scholarship in the arts and humanities.
Expect to reschedule in the fall of 2020


Sept. 17—Health and Human Services Funding   
The U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services has many agencies that fund research. Highlighted agencies include HRSA, SAMHSA, ACF, and DoJ. Come learn how to develop a competitive application.
Location: College of Health and Human Services, room 1024

Oct. 15—Early Career Funding
Come discover funding opportunities for faculty at the early stages of their research careers. Several sponsors including the DoD, DoE, DoJ, NIH and NSF will be highlighted.
Location: Waldo Library, conference room 3000

Nov. 19—National Institutes of Health - Major Changes to the R15 Grants and Beyond
NIH's R15 grant mechanism is a great option for Â鶹ÉçPrincipal Investigators. Come hear about this special funding mechanism and the significant changes to the program that were rolled out last January including the new Research Enhancement Award Program (REAP).
Location: College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, ParkView D-132 Floyd Hall 


Downloadable version of schedule