Fast Facts

Total number of participants served

  • 2023-24: 242

Participant demographics

Population distribution by race and gender

  • 2023-24
    • Asian: 13/242 (5.37%)
    • Black or African American: 44/242 (18.18%)
    • Hispanic or Latino: 119/242 (49.17%)
    • Multiracial: 25/242 (10.33%)
    • White: 37/242 (15.29%)
    • International: 4/242 (1.65%)
    • Female: 153/242 (63.22%)
    • Male: 85/242 (35.12%)
    • Nonbinary: 4/242 (1.65%)

Population distribution by other identities

  • 2023-24
    • First-generation college: 186/242 (76.86%)
    • Non-traditional: 30/242 (12.40%)

Retention rate

  • 2022-23 to 2023-24: 233/242 (89.50%)

Total number of participants who completed the academic year with a GPA of 2.0 and above

  • 2023-24: 228/242 (94.21%)

Total number of participants with a declared major by the end of their sophomore year

  • 2023-24: 241/242 (99.59%)

Total number of participants who graduated within six years of enrollment to the University

  • 2023-24: 49/52 (94.23%)

Total number of participants served

  • 2022-23: 219
  • 2021-22: 292
  • 2020-21: 323
  • 2019-20: 296
  • 2018-19: 298
  • 2017-18: 306

Participant demographics

Population distribution by race and gender

  • 2022-23
    • Asian: 1/219 (0.46%)
    • Black or African American: 48/219 (21.92%)
    • Hispanic or Latino: 123/219 (56.16%)
    • Multiracial: 18/219 (8.22%)
    • White: 29/219 (13.24%)
    • Female: 129/219 (58.90%)
    • Male: 88/219 (40.18%)
    • Nonbinary: 2/219 (0.91%)
  • 2021-22
    • Asian: 4/292 (1.37%)
    • Black or African American: 72/292 (24.65%)
    • Hispanic or Latino: 140/292 (47.94%)
    • Multiracial: 25/292 (8.56%)
    • White: 51/292 (17.46%)
    • Female: 176/292 (60.27%)
    • Genderqueer: 2/292 (0.68%)
    • Male: 114/292 (39.04%)
  • 2020-21
    • American Indian or Alaska Native: 1/323 (0.31%)
    • Asian: 6/323 (1.86%)
    • Black or African American: 89/323 (27.55%)
    • Hispanic or Latino: 147/323 (45.51%)
    • Multiracial: 25/323 (7.74%)
    • White: 59/323 (18.27%)
    • Female: 202/323 (62.54%)
    • Genderqueer: 2/323 (0.62%)
    • Male: 119/323 (36.84%)
    • Transgender: 1/323 (0.31%)
  • 2019-20
    • American Indian or Alaska Native: 1/296 (0.34%)
    • Asian: 4/296 (1.35%)
    • Black or African American: 81/296 (27.36%)
    • Hispanic or Latino: 133/296 (44.93%)
    • Multiracial: 18/296 (6.08%)
    • Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander: 2/296 (0.68%)
    • White: 57/296 (19.25%)
    • Female: 187/296 (63.18%)
    • Genderqueer: 1/296 (0.34%)
    • Male: 107/296 (36.15%)
    • Transgender: 1/296 (0.34%)
  • 2018-19
    • American Indian or Alaska Native: 2/298 (0.67%)
    • Asian: 3/298 (1.01%)
    • Black or African American: 71/298 (23.83%)
    • Hispanic or Latino: 115/298 (38.59%)
    • Multiracial: 15/298 (5.03%)
    • Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander: 2/298 (0.67%)
    • White: 66/298 (22.15%)
    • Race undisclosed: 24/298 (8.05%)
    • Female: 197/298 (66.11%)
    • Genderqueer: 1/298 (0.33%)
    • Male: 97/298 (32.55%)
    • Transgender: 2/298 (0.67%)
    • Gender identity undisclosed: 1/298 (0.34%)
  • 2017-18
    • American Indian or Alaska Native: 3/306 (0.98%)
    • Asian: 4/306 (1.31%)
    • Black or African American: 76/306 (24.84%)
    • Hispanic or Latino: 98/306 (32.03%)
    • Multiracial: 13/306 (4.25%)
    • Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander: 7/306 (2.29%)
    • White: 64/306 (20.92%)
    • Race undisclosed: 41/306 (13.40%)
    • Female: 199/306 (65.03%)
    • Genderqueer: 1/306 (0.33%)
    • Male: 95/306 (31.05%)
    • Transgender: 9/306 (2.94%)
    • Gender identity undisclosed: 2/306 (0.65%)

Population distribution by other identities

  • 2022-23
    • First-generation college: 188/219 (85.84%)
    • Non-traditional: 19/219 (8.68%)
  • 2021-22
    • First-generation college: 237/292 (81.16%)
    • Non-traditional: 21/292 (7.19%)
  • 2020-21
    • First-generation college: 248/323 (76.78%)
    • Non-traditional: 19/323 (5.88%)
  • 2019-20
    • First-generation college: 217/296 (73.31%)
    • Non-traditional: 21/296 (7.09%)
  • 2018-19
    • First-generation college: 190/298 (63.76%)
    • Non-traditional: 24/298 (8.05%)
  • 2017-18
    • First-generation college: 178/306 (58.17%)
    • Non-traditional: 32/306 (10.45%)

Total number of participants who completed the academic year with a GPA of 2.0 and above

  • 2022-23: 190/219 (86.76%)
  • 2021-22: 274/292 (93.84%)
  • 2020-21: 291/323 (90.09%)
  • 2019-20: 279/296 (94.26%)
  • 2018-19: 278/298 (93.29%)
  • 2017-18: 288/306 (94.12%)

Total number of participants with a declared major by the end of their sophomore year

  • 2022-23: 215/219 (98.17%)
  • 2021-22: 275/292 (94.17%)
  • 2020-21: 305/323 (94.43%)
  • 2019-20: 294/296 (99.32%)
  • 2018-19: 298/298 (100.00%)
  • 2017-18: 292/306 (95.42%)

Total number of participants who graduated within six years of enrollment to the University

  • 2022-23: 35/37 (95.60%)
  • 2021-22: 35/40 (87.50%)
  • 2020-21: 42/48 (87.50%)
  • 2019-20: 26/31 (83.87%)
  • 2018-19: 36/46 (78.26%)
  • 2017-18: 44/48 (91.67%)

Total number of participants served

  • 2016-17: 280
  • 2015-16: 330
  • 2014-15: 388
  • 2013-14: 454
  • 2012-13: 410
  • 2011-12: 275

Participant demographics

Population distribution by race and gender

  • 2016-17
    • American Indian or Alaska Native: 4/280 (1.43%)
    • Asian: 10/280 (3.57%)
    • Black or African American: 87/280 (31.07%)
    • Hispanic or Latino: 96/280 (34.29%)
    • Multiracial: 9/280 (3.21%)
    • Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander: 2/280 (0.71%)
    • White: 72/280 (25.71%)
    • Female: 182/280 (65.00%)
    • Male: 98/280 (35.00%)
  • 2015-16
    • American Indian or Alaska Native: 4/330 (1.21%)
    • Asian: 9/330 (2.73%)
    • Black or African American: 118/330 (35.76%)
    • Hispanic or Latino: 96/330 (29.09%)
    • Multiracial: 11/330 (3.33%)
    • Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander: 4/330 (1.21%)
    • White: 88/330 (26.67%)
    • Female: 210/330 (63.64%)
    • Male: 120/330 (36.36%)
  • 2014-15
    • American Indian or Alaska Native: 3/388 (0.77%)
    • Asian: 13/388 (3.35%)
    • Black or African American: 154/388 (39.69%)
    • Hispanic or Latino: 80/388 (20.62%)
    • Multiracial: 15/388 (3.87%)
    • Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander: 0/388 (0%)
    • White: 123/388 (31.70%)
    • Female: 254/388 (65.46%)
    • Male: 134/388 (34.54%)

Population distribution by other identities

  • 2016-17
    • First-generation college: 169/280 (60.36%)
    • Non-traditional: 28/280 (10.00%)
    • Veteran: 1/280 (0.36%)
  • 2015-16
    • First-generation college: 179/330 (54.24%)
    • Non-traditional: 32/330 (9.70%)
    • Veteran: 1/330 (0.30%)
  • 2014-15
    • First-generation college: 301/388 (77.58%)
    • Non-traditional: 37/388 (9.54%)
    • Veteran: 1/388 (0.25%)
  • 2013-14
    • First-generation college: 234/454 (51.54%)
    • Non-traditional: 33/454 (7.27%)
    • Veteran: 1/454 (0.22%)
  • 2012-13
    • First-generation college: 207/410 (50.98%)
    • Non-traditional: 25/410 (6.10%)
    • Veteran: 0 (0%)

Total number of participants who completed the academic year with a GPA of 2.5 and above

  • 2016-17: 191/280 (68.21%)
  • 2015-16: 241/330 (73.03%)
  • 2014-15: 285/388 (73.45%)
  • 2013-14: 325/454 (71.59%) 
  • 2012-13: 292/410 (71.22%)
  • 2011-12: 216/275 (78.55%)

Total number of participants with a declared major by the end of their sophomore year

  • 2016-17: 242/280 (86.43%)
  • 2015-16: 325/330 (98.48%)
  • 2014-15: 352/388 (90.72%)
  • 2013-14: 406/454 (89.43%)
  • 2012-13: 407/410 (99.27%)
  • 2011-12: 262/275 (95.27%)

Total number of participants who graduated within six years of enrollment to the University

  • 2016-17: 43/44 (97.73%)
  • 2015-16: 73/79 (92.41%)
  • 2014-15: 65/76 (85.53%)
  • 2013-14: 46/53 (86.79%)
  • 2012-13: 27/28 (96.43%)
  • 2011-12: 7/7 (100%)

Total number of participants served

  • 2010-11: 341
  • 2009-10: 230
  • 2008-09: 306
  • 2007-08: 280
  • 2006-07: 20

Participant demographics

Population distribution by race and gender

  • 2010-11
    • American Indian or Alaska Native: 2/341 (0.59%)
    • Asian or Pacific Islander: 14/341 (4.11%)
    • Black or African American: 124/341 (36.36%)
    • Hispanic or Latino: 33/341 (9.68%)
    • Multiracial: 11/341 (3.23%)
    • White: 129/341 (37.83%)
    • Other: 28/341 (8.21%)
    • Female: 216/341 (63.34%)
    • Male: 125/341 (36.66%)
  • 2009-10
    • American Indian or Alaska Native: 4/230 (1.74%)
    • Asian or Pacific Islander: 17/230 (7.39%)
    • Black or African American: 93/230 (40.43%)
    • Hispanic or Latino: 27/230 (11.74%)
    • White: 88/230 (38.26%)
    • Other: 1/230 (0.43%)
    • Female: 147/230 (63.91%)
    • Male: 183/230 (79.57%)
  • 2008-09
    • American Indian or Alaska Native: 7/306 (2.29%)
    • Asian or Pacific Islander: 19/306 (6.21%)
    • Black or African American: 119/306 (38.89%)
    • Hispanic or Latino: 25/306 (8.17%)
    • White: 123/306 (40.20%)
    • Other: 13/306 (4.25%)
    • Female: 186/306 (60.78%)
    • Male: 120/306 (39.22%)
  • 2007-08
    • American Indian or Alaska Native: 9/280 (3.21%)
    • Asian or Pacific Islander: 6/280 (2.14%)
    • Black or African American: 139/280 (49.64%)
    • Hispanic or Latino: 35/280 (12.50%)
    • White: 80/280 (28.57%)
    • Other: 11/280 (3.93%)
    • Female: 169/280 (60.36%)
    • Male: 111/280 (39.64%)
  • 2006-07
    • American Indian or Alaska Native: 1/20 (5.00%)
    • Asian or Pacific Islander: 1/20 (5.00%)
    • Black or African American: 15/20 (75.00%)
    • Hispanic or Latino: 3/20 (15.00%)
    • Female: 9/20 (45.00%)
    • Male: 11/20 (55.00%)

Population distribution by other identities

  • 2010-11
    • First-generation college: 165/341 (48.39%)
    • Non-traditional: 32/341 (9.38%)
  • 2010-11
    • First-generation college: 165/341 (48.39%)
    • Non-traditional: 32/341 (9.38%)
  • 2009-10
    • First-generation college: 204/230 (88.70%)
    • Non-traditional: 13/230 (5.65%)
  • 2008-09
    • First-generation college: 148/306 (48.04%)
    • Non-traditional: 18/306 (5.88%)
  • 2007-08
    • First-generation college: 97/280 (34.64%)
    • Non-traditional: 4/280 (1.43%)
  • 2006-07
    • First-generation college: 12/20 (60.00%)