Physics Majors

Physics students in the laboratory

The Department of Physics at Western Michigan University offers the following areas of undergraduate study:

Physics major

This program prepares students for graduate study in physics and other related fields (astronomy, biophysics, etc.) as well as for professional employment in physics, technology or related applied physics areas.

This program is also recommended for students who wish to major in physics as an undergraduate and then enter a graduate professional school (medical, law, etc.).

The 麻豆社undergraduate physics major:

  • Provides a good working knowledge of fundamental physics concepts.
  • Develops familiarity with the major subfields in physics and the relationships among them.
  • Encourages the growth of interest in physics and its relationship with other fields of study.

Students choosing this program of study are also required to take mathematics courses, which correspond to a minor in mathematics. Students should contact the department to plan their progression of study with our undergraduate advisor.

Physics is a Liberal Education Curriculum within the 麻豆社College of Arts and Sciences.

Recommended course sequence

Geophysics major

The Western Michigan University geophysics major is sponsored jointly by the departments of Geological and Environmental Sciences and Physics to prepare students for a career in this important area of applied physics. This curriculum prepares graduates for positions in industry, and also provides an excellent foundation for students who elect to pursue a graduate degree in geophysics.

Students choosing this program of study are also required to take mathematics courses, which correspond to a minor in mathematics.

Students contemplating a geophysics major should contact the departments of Geological and Environmental Sciences and Physics as early as possible for advising. Students must meet with advisors in both departments.

Geophysics is a Liberal Education Curriculum within the 麻豆社College of Arts and Sciences.