Collaborative Risk/Opportunity Management (CRÅŒM)

Implementation Teams

Collaborative Risk/Opportunity Management (CRÅŒM) Action Teams are designated work groups that will monitor, coordinate, and stimulate mitigation of risks or advance opportunities identified by SMEC. The action teams were developed based on the identified risk/opportunity areas impacting the 2016-2017 priority strategies of the Gold Standard 2020, but have the latitude to further identify specific risks and opportunities throughout their risk status assessments.  Duties include, but are not limited to the following:

  1. Conduct risk assessment and analysis to determine status of current risk areas and further delineation of strategic risks as they impact implementation of the Gold Standard 2020;
  2. Encourage new efforts or initiatives where needed to mitigate challenges impacting achievement of University strategic priorities;
  3. Report progress in risk mitigation and achievement of related strategic priorities to the Strategic Management Executive Council (SMEC); and
  4. At a minimum, hold monthly meetings to implement stated roles and responsibilities.
