Counseling Licensure

If you completed one of the counseling programs through the Department of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology at Western Michigan University (WMU), you may be eligible for specific licensure though the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) or the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA). The Certification Office at 麻豆社can help you with the process of obtaining these various certifications, endorsements and licenses. Please follow the links below for additional instructions.

Please contact the Certification Office Staff with any questions regarding this process. 

Applying for licensure with LARA

  • LARA requires that 麻豆社complete forms verifying completion of your counseling program. To submit these forms, please complete the appropriate submission form (based on license you're applying for).

Applying for certification with MDE

  • If you are currently in the 麻豆社School Counseling program or have completed the program, and are applying for your Preliminary School Counselor Credential, School Counselor License, or School Counselor endorsement, please follow the appropriate certification instructions